Customized Therapies for Beauty, Wellness and Personal Transformation. 


 TO BOOK APPTS: 561-721-9648

Transformational Hypnotherapy
 HYPNOTHERAPY, NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP)  is effective for a variety of issues offering a safe and scientifically backed approach to personal growth and healing. At the Sanctuary, our mission is to help you achieve your goals, realize your highest potential and attain the best possible changes needed to live your BEST Life experience! Whether you want to improve your health, change a habit, eliminate stress & anxiety or fulfill your personal performance aspirations, we  can guide you on a lifelong journey of self-knowledge and personal excellence and assist you in developing your full potential.

 SPORTS PERFORMANCE through Hypnotherapy and (NLP)



Each session can run 60-90 minutes.

Hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming, has been scientifically shown to help individual athletes overcome fears and phobias by addressing the underlying beliefs and emotional triggers that can hold you back from performing at your best. We teach you techniques that lead to increased confidence and a better ability to cope with anxiety.  You will understand how to get into a "Peak state of confidence" in order to perform at your highest potential. 



 Session Packages are available and will be discussed after your 1st Treatment.

Hypnosis is simply "Meditation with a Goal" of changing a habit or mind set  It's that simple.  Liza Basil, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, uses the most advanced techniques to access the healing powers of your subconscious mind which is where your emotions, habits and behaviors are stored.  Through Hypnosis, we will be accessing these long-term traits, improve your quality of life and facilitate your healing process by removing the obstacles that prevent your mind and body from working together  During the process we will teach you life-changing relaxation and visualization techniques that will inspire positive transformations and let go of limiting patterns, habits & belief's.  We give you the tools to make permanent changes to maximize your life potential.  


Each Session can run 30-60 minutes depending on the outcomes you desire.  

 Hypnosis has proven to be an effective treatment protocol for many different issues such as: Weight Loss, Anxiety, Trauma, Stress Management, Phobias, Stop Smoking/Drinking, Sleep Disorders, Personal & Business Blocks.  


Become the person you always wanted to Be!  

Call today for more information and to book your

personal session:




  *Packages pricing is available at your personal evaluation.

 Hypnosis can help change an individuals mindset regarding food, exercise, and self image, promoting healthier lifestyle choices and long-term weight management.  With consistent practice, individuals typically see a shift in their eating habits, increased motivation to exercise, and a healthier relationship with their body, resulting in sustainable weight loss.  Tools and techniques are given to you at each session to track your progress each week.  Packages are recommended for this the Weight loss therapies.  Your therapist will recommend a program specifically

tailored to your needs.  





Hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to address stressors on a deeper level, replace negative thought patterns and replace with positive ones. This stimulates the bodies relaxation response. As a result individuals experience reduce stress levels, improve mental clarity, increased emotional resilience and better stress management skills.  Learn how to stimulate the body's natural relaxation responses.  


*A study published in the Journal of Consulting in Clinical Psychology, found that Hypnosis could effectively reduce anxiety, particularly in relation to medical procedures. Participants experienced lower anxiety levels faster recovery times and reduced pain.

 Through Hypnosis and NLP, individuals can face and reframe their fears, replacing irrational beliefs with more adaptive thought patterns and desensitizing themselves to fear-inducing stimuli.  Individuals usually experience a decrease in fear intensity after their first session, while experiencing increased ability to confront and manage fears and overall improvement in their quality of life.



Hypnotherapy is frequently employed as a tool to help individuals break unwanted habits. By addressing the subconscious drivers behind these behaviors, hypnotherapy provides away to disentangle oneself from these entrenched routines. Bad habits are a form of coping mechanism or routines in  fonts to certain triggers her feelings. While consciously, one might understand the harms of the habit, the subconscious mind can associate the habit with rewards or relief, reinforcing the behavior. Hypnotherapy targets the subconscious association breaking the loop by replacing negative patterns with positive affirmations and behaviors. This retraining of the subconscious mind helps make the habit less appealing.


Guided hypnotherapy sessions, individuals can reduce or eliminate their resilience on unwanted habits and replace them with healthier alternatives. This transformation not only leads to the cessation of harmful activity but often brings along improve self-esteem has individuals gain control over their actions and choices.




Neurolinguistic programming is used as a therapeutic modality to cope with and heal from the effects of toxic relationships. It facilitates a deep understanding of personal patterns and relationships and promotes self-esteem and independence. Hypnotherapy can access subconscious memories and beliefs that influence relationship choices, allowing for the resolution of past traumas and the fostering of healthier relationship habits.


Individuals may experience improved relationship choices, increase self-worth, emotional resilience, and enhanced capacity for forming healthy relationships.




Many individuals struggle with various sexual intimacy challenges, ranging from performance anxiety to past trauma affecting current relationships. Hypnotherapy can provide a safe space for individuals to explore confront and address these issues. This facilitates a healthier intimacy and improved sexual health. The core of many sexual intimacy issues often lies in the subconscious.  Whether it is past traumas, societal conditioning, or personal anxieties. Hypnotherapy provides a pathway to communicate with the subconscious mind allowing individuals to recognize and address deep-seated beliefs or fears that may be inhibiting intimacy or causing sexual dysfunction. By reshaping these inner narratives, it's possible to alter the emotional and psychological responses to intimacy and sexual stimuli.


After undergoing hypnotherapy, many individuals report increased confidence in intimate situation's and reduce anxiety, therefore improving sexual satisfaction. By addressing the root causes of their concerns, they can foster healthier relationships, both with their partners and with themselves.


Sleeplessness is characterized by difficulty falling asleep staying asleep or experiencing non-restorative sleep. It can occur despite an individual desire for needed rest when suffering from bouts of mental and physical exhaustion. Irregular sleep cycles can lead to a variety of negative effects on the persons overall well-being mood disturbances impaired cognitive function and decreased quality of life. It may result from a range of factors, including restricted stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain or various medical conditions.  Hypnosis penetrates the subconscious mind, so revisiting memories, emotions, or thoughts associated with past traumas, anxieties, or stressors that can be triggering your sleep disturbances may be implemented. Hypnotherapy can help re-frame negative thought patterns and beliefs that are linked to these underlying issues. By altering the way you perceive and interpret these experiences, you can reduce the emotional impact they have on your sleep.


The hypnotherapy sessions focus on relaxation, imagery and cognitive re-structuring. When sessions are concluded, our clients reported improved sleep quality, increased total sleep time and reduced reliance on sleep medication's.



At our wellness spa, we believe in holistic approach to health. Our mindfulness and fitness workouts guided by Elite personal trainer, Patti Wilmouth, blend physical activity with mindful practices to enhance both body and mind. By focusing on strength, flexibility, nutrition and mental clarity, these sessions promote overall well-being. Whether you aim to tone your body, reduce stress, or improve your focus, our personalized fitness and nutrition plans cater to your unique goals.


 Each session includes personal fitness training and nutrition counseling.

 Packages are recommended until you reach your desired goal.  

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Serving the Palm Beaches since 1998