Chelsea Mitchell
Hair Stylist
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The Owner the" DMV Weave Dr." aka Chelsea offers some of the most healthiest Nonsurgical Hair Replacement services /Medical Wigs / Restoration in the DMV. She also offers weaving/extension techniques and Custom Units for all hair types. Chelsea has been working in the salon since the age of 15. She has mastered many hair coloring /cutting/style manipulation by her former hair mentors. Chelsea also gives away wigs and beauty products to women who suffer from cancer/alopecia who are in need of wigs. Chelsea also supports and organaizes events with local non profits, hospitals and local businesses to help support alopecia / cancer sufferers.
The DMV Weave Dr's. Experience:
20 + Years in Cosmetology
Expert Weaveologist / Hair Replacement Specialist
Former Cosmetology Educator
Lace Front & Medical Wig Designer
Certified Trichologist
Certified Hair Mineral Analysis Balance Practitioner
Kinesiologist Practitioner
Master Herbalist / Detox Specialists
My Regular Hours
12 30 PM to 8:00PM
Closed /Appt. ONLY
12:30 PM to 8:00PM
11:30AM to 6:00PM
12:30 PM to 6:00PM

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This Unit uses High Quality Brazilian Hair . Shakira is definitely a sexy mamacita.This is a glueless unit, Has medium large closure. Very Durable one size fits all. Hair length 20 in hair effortlessly fringed to frame the face. Customized stock Units ship within 7-10 business days. No stylists required. Lasts up to 2 years with proper usage.
Shakira is a hybrid unit. Our 8a plus Brazilian Hair is used on this unit and Shakira's hair line is gently plucked to ensure the versatility in this style. This unit needs to be moisturized daily and requires wig brush for proper maintenace,
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. Wig comes with adjustable straps. Comes in Small Medium or Large. Pick one in comments to seller. This Unit can be made in straight, body wave, kinky straight, Creole Curly and Exotic Curl, a describe in comment to seller to pic unit style
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