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Cherubim Package

Hydrating Deep Cleansing Facial

Microdermabrasion Swipe

Hand and Arm Massage

Approx. 75 mins.


This package is for skins that are compromised because lack of proper cleanings and hydration. The microdermabrasion will gently exfoliate deeper without any down time. The hand, arm and scalp massage will add to the already relaxed state of mind.

Must discontinue Retin A or Retinol or any harsh exfoliates three days before treatment. Includes facial, shoulder, neck and scalp massage. Valued at $150.00

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Lightening & Lifting Package

Polite Peel

Nano Infusion Treatment

Microcurrent Treatment

Approx. 90. mins.


A very gently peel using a blend of AHA's & BHA's to reduce irritation,  inflammation, fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration giving the skin a smooth texture. The Nano Infusion treatment will increase product penetration 40-50% deeper into the skin for optimum hydration and lightening. The Microcurrent treatment will lift and re-educate facial muscles. Includes facial massage and Biocellulose mask. Valued at $430.00


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171 W. Main Street, Suite 4RockawayNJ07866United States
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